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Saul Melman | Baltimore (Maryland), 1968



Saul Melman è un artista multidisciplinare basato a Brooklyn, New York.

Il suo lavoro include scultura, installazione, fotografia e incisione, il tutto eseguito attraverso la lente dell'atto performativo. Il suo lavoro è stato descritto come la creazione di una "sorta di proficuo disordine mentale". Parallelamente al suo lavoro di artista, Melman ricopre il ruolo di medico di emergenza, per il quale le pesanti situazioni che sperimenta nutrono la sua ricerca estetica. 

Melman ha conseguito un MFA presso la Milton Avery School of the Arts Bard College nel 2009.

Ha esposto in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, in gallerie e musei, tra cui: Anna Marra Contemporanea (Rome, Italy), Mumok (Vienna, Austria), Cabinet Magazine (New York), Thierry Goldberg Gallery (New York), San Diego Art Institute (California), Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), Socrates Sculpture Park (New York), Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum (New York) and MoMAPS1 (New York) dove ha realizzato un'installazione semi-permanente.

Il suo lavoro è presente in collezioni private e museali, tra cui Milwaukee Art Museum e City of Evansville, Indiana.




Saul Melman is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, New York. 

His work takes form in sculpture, installation, photography and printmaking, all executed through the lens of performance. His work has been described as creating a “kind of productive mental disorder.” Parallel to his practice as an artist, Melman works as an Emergency Room physician, where the charged interactions he experiences inform his exploration of aesthetic dialogue. 

Melman earned an MFA from the Milton Avery School of the Arts Bard College in 2009. 

He has exhibited throughout Europe and the United States in galleries and museums, including Anna Marra Contemporanea (Rome, Italy), Mumok (Vienna, Austria), Cabinet Magazine (New York), Thierry Goldberg Gallery (New York), San Diego Art Institute (California), Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), Socrates Sculpture Park (New York), Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum (New York) and MoMAPS1 (New York) where he has a long-term installation. 

His work is included in private and museum collections including the Milwaukee Art Museum and the City of Evansville, Indiana. 




© 2018 - Galleria Anna Marra Srl

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