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Mohssin Harraki | Asilah, Marocco, 1981


Mohssin Harraki è nato a Asilah (Marocco) nel 1981 e attualmente vive e lavora fra Parigi, e il Marocco. Fra le sue partecipazioni più prestigiose si ricordano la Dakar Biennial nel 2018 e la Biennale di Marrakech nel 2016 e nel 2012. Ha inoltre esposto in importanti musei internazionali come il Reina Sofia Museum di Madrid (2021), il Centre Georges Pompidou di Parigi (2020), il Beirut Art Center (2019), la Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah (2015), Il New Museum di NY (2014) o il Gwangju Museum of Art, South Korea (2014).

Mohssin Harraki was born in Asilah (Morocco) in 1981 and he currently lives and works between Paris and Morocco. Among his most prestigious participations, we mention the Dakar Biennial of 2018 and the Marrakech Biennials in 2016 and 2012. He has also shown his work in international museums like the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid (2021), the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris (2020), the Beirut Art Center (2019), the Banjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah (U.A.E.) (2015), the

New Museum of NY (2014) and the Gwangju Museum of Art, South Korea (2014).

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