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Derrick Adams |  Baltimore, MD 1970



Derrick Adams è un'artista multidisciplinare che vive a New York e realizza performance, video, suono, pittura, collage su carta e stoffa, e scultura multimediale.

Il suo lavoro è radicato nelle teorie decostruttiviste, utilizzando la frammentazione e manipolazione della struttura e delle superfici, e l'accostamento di forme complesse e improbabili. Usando queste tecniche, Adams indaga l'influenza della cultura popolare e dei media sulla costruzione e percezione del sé.

Ha conseguito il suo MFA presso la Columbia University, il BFA presso il Pratt Institute, ed è un ex-alunno della Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, e del programma Sharpe-Walentas Studio, nonché vincitore del Joyce Alexander Wein Artist Prize, Louis Comfort Tiffany Award, S.J. Weiler Award e Agnes Martin Fellowship. Ha esposto e performato al MoMA PS1, Brooklyn Museum of Art, PERFORMA, Studio Museum di Harlem, Accademia di Musica di Brooklyn, California African American Museum, al Metropolitan Museum of Art e al Museum of Arts and Design, oltre ad importanti gallerie e istituzioni. Il lavoro di Adams è nelle collezioni permanenti dello Studio Museum di Harlem, del Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, del Birmingham Museum, del Metropolitan Museum of Art e del Whitney Museum of American Art.

A New York è rappresentato da Rhona Hoffman Gallery.



Derrick Adams is a New York–based, multidisciplinary artist, working in performance, video, sound, paint, textile- and paper-based collage, and multimedia sculpture. His practice is rooted in deconstructivist philosophies such as the fragmentation and manipulation of structure and surface, and the marriage of complex and improbable forms. Through these techniques, Adams examines the force of popular culture and the media on the perception and construction of


He received his MFA from Columbia University, BFA from Pratt Institute, and is an alumni of the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, and the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, as well as the recipient of the Joyce Alexander Wein Artist Prize, Louis Comfort Tiffany Award, S.J. Weiler Award, and Agnes Martin Fellowship. He’s exhibited and performed at MoMA PS1, Brooklyn Museum of Art, PERFORMA, Studio Museum in Harlem, Brooklyn Academy of Music, California African American Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Museum of Arts and Design, among other notable galleries and institutions. Adams’ work is in the permanent collections of Studio Museum in Harlem, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Birmingham Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Whitney Museum of American Art.

In New York he is represented by Rhona Hoffman Gallery.  



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